
I started Three having spent many sleepless nights mulling through accident data on accidents flown by pilots just like me. Professional, passionate pilots who are no longer with us, and for years, I wondered why? Social media brought out the accident investigators in all of us, combing through whatever we could find in an attempt to understand the why. More than just knowing why, I wondered what we can do to stop these whys from repeating in the future. 

Hence Three. A simple approach to mitigating unnecessary risks and their results in aviation. Three isn’t about the one, it’s about the many. It’s about educating aviators, empowering them to make better decisions before, during, and after flight, and elevating communities to do the same. Three serves as the catalyst for that change. 

Three is currently developing creative engaging ways to accomplish our mission. Does the mission of Three resonate with you? Drop us a line.