The current approach to pilot proficiency in recreational aviation is unacceptable. One hour of flight and one hour of discussion cannot adequately prepare pilots for the challenges they will face over the next 24 months. We need to approach this requirement with something slightly more than the bare minimum, and we call it the Active Flight Review, 61.56+, or simply +.
+ takes on the necessary requirements and adds more real-world scenario-based training and discussion to improve the competency of the aviator throughout an active, engaging proficiency process. Through the use of analysis, experimentation, and assessment, + educates, empowers, and elevates aviators to not only maintain proficiency, but to gain competency and grow as an aviator through the process.
Currently, the team at Three Aviation are developing the + program with an emphasis on the following areas: tailwheel operations, backcountry flying, and professional aviation. Have a section of aviation that you think would benefit from a personalized, engaging program such as +? Drop us a line!